国有经济论坛:加入WTO后国有企业改革与发展国际学术研讨会 会 序 开幕式 主办单位:吉林大学中国国有经济研究中心、经济学院、《经济研究》编辑部 时间:2002年8月9日上午8:30-11:10 地点:紫荆花饭店八楼国际会议厅 主持人:郑贵廷 吉林大学经济学院院长、教授、博士生导师 8:30-8:35 第一项:主持人宣布会议开幕、介绍来宾 8:35-8:45 第二项:吉林大学副校长博士生导师张文显教授 致辞 8:45-8:55 第三项:吉林省体改委主任、吉林大学大学博士生导师 毛健同志 致辞 8:55-9:20 第四项:吉林大学中国国有经济研究中心主任、教授、博士生导师徐传谌博士代表主办单位致辞并演讲 演讲题目: 中国加入WTO后竞争性领域国有企业改革要解决的关键问题 大会主题演讲 (每人发言20分钟,提问5分钟) 1、9:20-9:40 演讲人:野口祐(Noguchi,Tasuku) 日本庆应义塾大学经营学部 名誉教授、东亚经营学会国际联盟会长 演讲题目:日本国有资产经营管理体制研究 9:40-9:45 提问 2、9:45-10:05 演讲人:崔龍浩 韩国庆北大学 经济通商学部院长、教授 演讲题目:中国国有企业问题的本质以及改革的长期方向:民营化 10:05-10:10 提问 10:10-10:20 会间休息 大会主题演讲 (每人发言20分钟,提问5分钟) 主持人:宋冬林 吉林大学经济学院副院长、教授、博士生导师 3、10:20-10:40 演讲人:范恒山 国家体制改革办公室 综合司 司长 10:40-10:45 提问 4、10:45-11:05 演讲人:詹姆斯 佛罗里达大学经济学系 日本龙谷大学国际交流学院 教授 演讲题目:加入WTO与中国农业部门国有企业:冲击、对策及发展战略 11:05-11:10 提问 5、11:10-11:30 演讲人:三井一郎 日本小松制作所 总裁 演讲题目:民间基础中日合作的应有态度 11:30-11:35 提问 8月9日下午14:00-17:30 大会主题演讲 (每人发言20分钟,提问5分钟) 主持人:郑红亮 中国社会科学院经济研究所研究员,《经济研究》编辑部副主任 1、14:00-14:20 演讲人:金中培 韩国景园大学经商学部研究生院 院长、博士、教授 演讲题目:中国加入WTO,中韩在东亚地区市场的经济合作 14:20-14:25 提问 2、14:25-14:45 演讲人:潘石 吉林大学经济学院经济研究所 所长、教授、博士生导师 14:45-14:50 提问 3、14:50-15:10 演讲人:金相浩 韩国釜山大学对外交流学院 教授 演讲题目:经济全球化条件下,中韩商业私人争端解决的制度化 15:10-15:15 提问 15:15-15:25会间休息 大会主题演讲 (每人发言20分钟,提问5分钟) 主持人: 徐传谌 吉林大学经济学院 教授 博士生导师 中国国有经济研究中心重点项目《国有经济战略调整与国有企业深化改革研究》课题负责人 4、15:25-15:45 演讲人:伊达浩宪 日本龙谷大学经济学部 副教授 演讲题目: 加入WTO后中国汽车工业的重组:外国汽车和汽车配件公司的角色 15:45-15:50 提问 5、15:50-16:10 演讲人:纪玉山 吉林大学经济学院 教授 博士生导师 中国国有经济研究中心重点项目《竞争性领域国有企业战略重组研究》课题负责人 演讲题目: 竞争性领域国有经济战略调整的实证分析 16:10-16:15 提问 6、16:15-16:35 演讲人:李复屏 日本龙谷大学社会学部 讲师 演讲题目: 中国国有工业企业部门的区域差异 16:35-16:40 提问 7、16:40-17:00 演讲人:谢地 吉林大学经济学院 教授 博士生导师 中国国有经济研究中心重点项目《垄断行业国有经济改革与发展研究》课题负责人 演讲题目:论自然垄断部门国有经济改革与发展的新机制 17:00-17:10 提问 8月10日上午8:30-11:30 紫荆花饭店八楼国际会议厅 大会主题演讲与讨论 主持人:詹小洪 中国社会科学院经济研究所《经济研究》编辑部副主任 1 、8:30-9:00 演讲人:张杰 中国纺织集团总公司 董事长 总经理 9:00-9:05 提问 2、9:05-10:00 参会代表自由发言,每人限15分钟 10:00-10:10会间休息 3、10:10-11:20 参会代表自由发言,每人限15分钟 主持人:任俊生 吉林大学中国国有经济研究中心副主任、博士、教授 4、11:20-11:30 由吉林大学中国国有经济研究中心主任徐传谌教授作会议总结并宣布大会闭幕 State-owned Economy Forum: International Academic Conference of SOE’s Reformation and Development after China Entry into WTO Schedule Sponsors: The Center for China Public Sector Economy Research, The School of Economics in Jilin University, Economic Research Journal Time: Aug 9—10 ,2002. Place: International Meeting Hall of Redbuds Hotel Opening Ceremony Morning of Aug 9 Chairman: Zheng, Guiting, Dean of the School of Economics of Jilin University,professor,Doctoral supervisor. 1、8:30-8:35:The Chairman declares that the conference is open and introduces the guests. 2、8:35-8:45:Vice-President of Jilin University, Doctoral supervisor, Pro. Zhang, Wenxian gives address. 3、8:45-8:55: Director of Jilin Provincial Office of Economic System Reform, Doctoral supervisor of Jilin University, Dr. Mao,Jian gives address. 4、8:55—9:20:Director of The Center for China Public Sector Economy Research, professor, Doctoral supervisor. Xu,Chuanchen Ph.D. gives address as a sponsor and makes a speech. Title :The Key Problems to be settled in the New Period of Chinese SOE’s Reformation after Entry into WTO Main Speech on the Forum (20 minutes for each person, 5 minutes for asking questions) 9:20—9:40 Lecturer :Noguchi,Tasuku Professor Emeritus of Business department of Keiogijuku University from Japan; The president of International Union of Management Association in East Asia. 9:40-9:45 time for discussing 9:45—10:05 Lecturer:Fan Hengshan Title:On Reform of Management System of State-owned Assets 10:05-10:10 time for discussing 10:10—10:20 Rest Time Main Speech on the Forum Chairman:Song,Donglin Ph.D., Vice Dean of the School of Economics of Jilin University, professor, Doctoral supervisor. 10:20—10:40 Lecturer:Chio, Yong-Ho, Professor of Economics, Kyungpook National University, President of Korean Association of Small Business Studies. Title: The Essence of China’s SOE and the Long Direction of Reform: Privatization 10:40-10:45 time for discussing 10:45—11:05 lecturer: James R. Simpson, Professor, Ryukoku University, Japan And Professor Emeritus, University of Florida, USA Title:China’s Agricultural Sector State Owned Enterprises and Entry Into the WTO: Impact and Strategies for Coping and Development 11:05-11:10 time for discussing 11:10--11:30 lecturer: Mitsui, Ichiro, Chairman of Komatsu Forklift Co., Ltd. from Japan. Title:The Attitude of the Cooperation between China and Japan on Nongovernmental Basis 11:30-11:35 time for discussing Speech on the forum Afternoon of Aug 9 Chairman:Zheng Hongliang , professor of Institute of Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Director, Vice Chief-Editor of ”Economic Research Journal” 14:00—14:20 lecturer:Kim, Jung-Bae Ph.D. Professor, Dean of International Business & Marketing College of Business & Economics of Kyungwon University from Korea. Title:The Economic Cooperation between Korea and China in East Asia Aerial Market after Chinese Entry into WTO 14:20-14:25 time for discussing 14:25—14:45 lecturer:Pan Shi, director of Economic Research Institute of the School of Economics of Jilin University, professor, Doctoral supervisor Title:The Key to Improvement of SOE\\\\\\\'s Reform: Theoretical Breakthrough and Abundance of Preference of State-owned System 14:45-14:50 time for discussing 14:50—15:10 lecturer:Kim, sang-ho, professor, Pusan University of Foreign Studies Title: Institutionalization of Private Dispute Settlement in East Asia initiated by Korea and China under Economic Globalization 15:10-15:15 time for discussing 15:15-15:25 Rest time Main Speech on the Forum Chairman:Xu Chuanchen Ph.D., Director of The Center for China Public Sector Economy Research, professor, Doctoral supervisor. 15:25—15:45 lecturer:Data, Hironori, associate professor of School of Economy, Ryukoku University, Japan Title:The Transformation of the Chinese automobile Industry after Entering WTO:the Role of Foreign Automotive and Auto-parts Company. 15:45-15:50 time for discussing 15:50—16:10 lecturer:Ji Yushan Ph.D., professor, Doctoral supervisor of the School of Economics of Jilin University. Title:An Empirical Analysis of SOE’s Strategic Reorganization in Competitive Area 16:10-16:15 time for discussing 16:15—16:35 lecturer:Xie Di Ph.D., professor, Doctoral supervisor of the School of Economics of Jilin University. Title:New Mechanism of Reform and Development of State-owned Economy in Natural Monopoly Industry 16:35-16:40 time for discussing 16:40-17:00 lecturer:Xie Siquan, Vice director of Economic Research Institute in Nankai University, associate professor. Title:Retrospection and consideration about reform of state-enterprise 17:00-17:05 [1] time for discussing 17:05-17:25 lecturer:Li Fuping, Ph.D., Lecturer of Sociology Department of Ryukoku University, Japan. Title:The Regional Difference of Chinese State-owned Industrial Economy 17:25-17:30 time for discussing Main Speech on the Forum Morning of Aug 10: Chairman:Zhan Xiaohong, Vice director of “ Economic Research Journal ” Editorial Office 8:30—9:00 lecturer:Zhang Jie, General Manager of China Textile Machinery {Group} Co., Ltd. Title:Practice of SOE’s Reform after China’s Entry into the WTO 9:00-9:05 time for discussing 9:05-9:20 lecturer:Ma Yanchun, professor of the School of Economics of Jilin University. Title:Focusing SOE’s Reform on the Improvement of Whole National Economy 9:20-9:25 time for discussing 9:25-10:00 15 minutes for each representative to speak freely at the conference 10:00-10:10 Rest time 10:10—11:20 15 minutes for each representative to speak freely at the conference Chairman: Ren, Junsheng Ph.D., professor, vice director of The Center for China Public Sector Economy Research. 11:20-11:30 Director of The Center for China Public Sector Economy Research, Dr. Xu Chuanchen makes a summery and declares the close of the conference. |